Check NDA status


In the ProcessMaker I/O "NDA Request" use case example, this page displays all NDA requests by email address as well as a link to each requester's NDA. Use this page as an NDA requester to view your generated NDA, and then either deny or approve the NDA.
Follow these steps:
  1. Verify that the NDA is generated and placed into your Google Drive in a folder called "NDA docx result". The NDA in that folder is named "NDA_docx_result.docx".
  2. In the API URL field, enter the URL to your ProcessMaker I/O Environment.
  3. In the Token key field, enter your ProcessMaker I/O Environment token.
  4. Click the Save API URL and key button to save these settings.
  5. Refresh the page.
  6. From the Check NDA status list box, select the email address corresponding with your NDA request.
  7. Click on the link to open the generated NDA document that is personalized with the information you entered for that process case.
  8. Approve or deny the NDA.
  9. Return to your Google Drive and look at the how the NDA has been renamed in the "NDA docx resul"` folder. Notice how the NDA has been renamed to "{Requester Full Name}_NDA_docx_result_Signed.docx" or "{Requester Full Name}_NDA_docx_result_Unsigned.docx", depending on whether you approved or declined the NDA.